Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Music Success

If you suffer jitters, shakes and dry mouth when performing in public, here's a do-able technique to ease those symptoms. I've recently been using something called "Emotional Freedom Technique" in my in workshops, coaching and with music students and we've had had some incredible results using EFT.

Recently I visited a regional conservatorium in New South Wales to give students a one-hour “How to Prepare for Confident Performance” workshop. This was followed by a concert for students to play to parents and friends after which I was to debrief and give further feedback and tips at the end.

One pianist was so nervous that she stopped and started and could barely get through the piece. She walked away from the piano looking shattered. I thought “It's a risk but I'm taking this on now, rather than wait for the end of the concert."

So I asked if she'd mind trying a rather wacky experiment, saying I risked looking more stupid than she if it didn't come off - but I knew deep down it would. The idea is to think up a relevant affirmation then say it aloud while tapping on parts of the head, face and body that relate to meridian points. We did some tapping around: “Even though I have memory blanks and stop and start and feel embarrassed, I love and appreciate myself.” (After all, we performers spend so much time critcising ourselves, don't we? We rbeat up on ourselves over the failures and rarely give ourselves credit for what we do well.) Then she sat down at the piano and not only sailed through the piece note-perfect without a glitch but also played musically with rich tone and wonderful expression. Even my jaw dropped at the incredible difference! We all went ”wow!” and stamped and clapped. Her teacher has since emailled me that she played her exam program the next week, after some tapping and affirming and she played brilliantly, especially that particular piece!

OK, so where can you find our more? Visit

And where to tap? The site above shows clear pics. Keep an eye out for an animation (credit to my son André) as soon as I work out how to post it!


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